Holocaust Center for Humanity



Educators for Change (EFC):

  • Expand and enrich the Holocaust Center’s educational programming
  • Ensure that we are meeting the needs of our students
  • Ensure that we are meeting the needs of our teachers
  • Serve as mentors for new teachers
  • Advocate for the Holocaust Center within their networks and region

Educators for Change is a group of dedicated educators who have committed to taking an active role in Holocaust education in our state and inform the educational programs and resources of the Holocaust Center for Humanity. Teachers are selected by the Holocaust Center for Humanity based on their engagement, qualifications, geographical location, and commitment to Holocaust education.

The Holocaust Center for Humanity is dedicated to promoting diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusion. We are committed to reflecting these values in our leadership and Educators for Change.

Members of the EFC:

  • Participate in monthly meetings
  • Show a demonstrated commitment to Holocaust education and related topics. As part of the EFC, teachers participate in at least one program/event offered by the Holocaust Center during the year. 
  • Make a 1-year commitment (September - June)

EFC members represent educators and districts throughout the state of Washington.

Questions? Email Branda Anderson, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This program is made possible thanks to the generous support of George Elbaum & Mimi Jensen.