Holocaust Center for Humanity

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Project Neshamah invites B’nai Mitzvah students to honor, remember, and connect with a teen or child who was killed in the Holocaust and who has living connections to Washington State. 

"Neshamah" (Hebrew:  נשמה ) is the Hebrew word for soul, or breath. By recognizing each individual, we carry on their memories. By saying their name out loud, we keep these memories alive. 

The Holocaust Center for Humanity will provide the B’nai Mitzvah student with a name of a child and information about them. 

Below are a few suggestions for how the B’nai Mitzvah may choose to remember this child. There are many acts of remembrance and respect and we encourage B’nai Mitzvah students to find ways that are meaningful to them. 

  • Do a mitzvah in the name of the child
  • Mention the child in a speech or dvar Torah
  • Light a yahrzeit candle
  • Share their name and story with others
  • Research the child’s story


To request a name, please complete the form below. 



Not a Bar/Bat Mitzvah student, but want to participate in this project?  Or do you have a name of a family member who was a child/teen killed in the Holocaust that you would like remembred? Email Ilana Cone Kennedy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.