Holocaust Center for Humanity

Survivor Voices Title Banner

"I tell the story because I believe that one person can make a difference."
- Holocaust survivor Henry Friedman

"Survivor Voices: Bearing Witness from the Holocaust to Today" is a 25-minute educational documentary produced by the Holocaust Center for Humanity. This video weaves the testimonies of local Holocaust survivors with contemporary issues, racism, genocide, and the difference each one of us can make. Through personal stories, "Survivor Voices" illustrates the escalation of the Holocaust from racist attitudes to genocide. It is through these stories and through this history that we confront the past and work to build a world free of racism and hatred in all its forms.  For grades 7 and up. 




A special thank you to Arlene B. Ehrlich and the Loeb Family Charitable Foundation for their support of this film.

This film was also made possible by funding from 4Culture and The Claims Conference.


Teaching Materials

Survivor Encyclopedia: Washington State
Find out more about Steve Adler, Henry Friedman, Laureen Nussbaum, and Magda Schaloum, the survivors featured in the film. 

Survivor Voices - Viewer's Guide to the Film



Don Porter filming Don Porter filming
Steve Adler in Holocaust survivor Steve Adler
Holocaust survivor Magda Schaloum in Holocaust survivor Magda Schaloum
Holocaust survivor Henry Friedman in Holocaust survivor Henry Friedman
Larie Warshal Cohen interviewing survivors for With My Own Eyes Laurie Warshal Cohen interviewing survivors for the film