Holocaust Center for Humanity

11.19.19 Big Picture School 3  IMG 9885 

Bring the Museum to Your Class: Finding Light in History

Unable to make it to our museum in Seattle with your students? Let us bring the museum to you! This program will engage students with personal stories and other important lessons, making the study of the Holocaust more relevant than ever.

We are thrilled to share this free, new program with you and your students. After you submit your request, we will work within your schedule to lead one (or more) sessions at your school that will:

  • Briefly review the definition of the Holocaust
  • Introduce the topic of Jewish identity and antisemitism
  • Engage students (working in groups of 3-5) with our Replica Artifact Activity
  • Connect the importance of learning about this history to today
  • Discuss ways of engaging in “upstander” behavior to combat identity-based hatred and indifference to such prejudice



This session should not be the entry point into your students’ learning about the Holocaust. We recommend preparing for a Museum Educator visit by doing several foundational lessons. Among these include:

  1. Pyramid of Hate lesson
  2. Universe of Obligation lesson
  3. Intro to the Holocaust lesson
  4. Historical Roots of Antisemitism lesson
  5. Survivor Voices film

Completing at least some of these will significantly help you and your students to more successfully engage with this new program.

If you are hoping to schedule an in-person field trip instead, click here.

Questions? Email us.