Holocaust Center for Humanity

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Continuing Generations:

Children, Grandchildren, & Descendants of Holocaust Survivors

Continuing Generations is a group of descendants of Holocaust survivors living in the Pacific Northwest who are interested in connecting and engaging in educational and social programming. Continuing Generations is an opportunity to exchange stories of unique shared experiences and build community with other descendants of the Holocaust.

Events and programs are held several times a year. Members are welcome to  attend as many (or as few) as they wish. 

For more information or to join the Holocaust Center’s Continuing Generations group, please email Ilana Cone Kennedy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


“Being a grandchild of Holocaust survivors is a huge part of my identity. It is comforting to share this aspect of my life with other people who can relate on this level and help me address the Intergenerational Trauma I have experienced. I am grateful to the Holocaust Center for providing me an outlet to connect with other descendants who provide continual inspiration and support.” -Jessica F.