Holocaust Center for Humanity

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Auschwitz Legacy Fellowship

Applications Due June 30, 2024

In 2021, the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Foundation (ABMF) launched the Auschwitz Legacy Fellowship, a fully-funded continuing education program for American high school teachers and their students.

During the Auschwitz Legacy Fellowship, teachers participate in a rigorous six-month online program, followed by a study visit to Poland (Warsaw, Krakow, Auschwitz)

Auschwitz Legacy Fellows come from all 50 states and constitute a wide corps of skilled educators who are integral to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Foundation’s efforts to share the universal lessons of Auschwitz all over the United States.


  • The program is available to high school teachers teaching English, history, social studies, or related subjects who have never visited Auschwitz-Birkenau.
  • Participation in the program is free of charge (double occupancy hotel accommodations, meals, and international flights included); upon acceptance, Fellows will be asked to contribute $150 to help offset administrative costs. Those who prefer single occupancy will incur additional costs. 

As an Auschwitz Legacy Fellow, you will: 

  • Travel to Poland in the summer of 2025 for a week-long experience, which will include Warsaw, Krakow, and Auschwitz-Birkenau
  • Participate in an educational program that revolves around “Auschwitz Legacy,” a 45-minute educational film about WWII, the Holocaust, and Auschwitz-Birkenau
  • Receive multiple resources for you and your students, with the “Auschwitz Legacy” film at the center of the curriculum; the provided resources will allow you to meet relevant guidelines and standards
  • Gain special access to Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum’s remote guided visits for your students
  • Become a lifelong Auschwitz Legacy alum and learn from and contribute to a community of teachers from all across the U.S. for whom it is essential to address these topics in the classroom
  • Establish a relationship with the Holocaust Center that will give you and your students access to our resources

If you are interested in becoming an Auschwitz Legacy Fellow, you: 

  • Will be expected to plan to teach in the classroom for at least another five years
  • Are available to participate in a year-long program, including a week-long trip to Poland
  • Are prepared for an active experience in Poland, which will include a lot of walking and long days


Apply by June 30, 2024


Poland 2022 Meeting rescuer in Stocek Poland

Vienna & Poland Holocaust Tour: July 2-13, 2024

Learning Lessons of the Holocaust through Human Stories

A trip about the meaning of memory and connecting - connecting to history, connecting to people, and understanding that each one of us has the power to make a difference. This trip is open to participants of any race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or background.

Trip includes:

Vienna and Korneuburg, Austria; Warsaw; Treblinka; Minsk Mazowiecki; Stoczek; Krakow; Holocaust by Bullets: Miechow, Dzialoszyce, Dzieraznia; Auschwitz-Birkenau; meetings with a survivor, rescuer, and dinners and experiences that highlight the culture and history of Vienna and Poland.

"I would definitely recommend this trip to others.The trip gave me much needed moral clarity about what matters in the world, in politics, and in human relations. I feel that history is repeating itself and we have to be vigilant to evolving current events"  - Traveler  

Registration is now closed 

Stay tuned for stories from this summer's trip. 

This program was generously funded, in part, by the Claims Conference. Thank You!

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