Holocaust Center for Humanity
  • George Elbaum's Passport Photo, 1947
    George Elbaum's Passport Photo, 1947
  • “I recognize that we who survived the Holocaust have a responsibility to tell our stories to give hope to the slogan ‘Never Again.’” - George Elbaum 

    George Elbaum was born in Warsaw, Poland on August 20, 1938, one year before Hitler invaded Poland and spurred the outbreak of World War II. Within weeks, George's father was called to serve in the army and never returned. Acutely aware of the danger she and her son were in, George's mom dyed her hair blonde and purchased the identification documents of a Catholic woman who had died. In 1942, she smuggled George out of the Warsaw ghetto before paying various Polish Catholic families to hide and raise him. In 1945, George was reunited with his mother, the only other surviving member of his family. They immigrated to America in 1949.

    For 60 years, George was reluctant to share his story with anyone. He worked towards an engineering career, earning an undergraduate degree, two Master's Degrees, and a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In 2009, upon viewing "Paper Clips," a documentary chronicling a Tennessee middle school's unique attempt to honor Holocaust victims, George was moved to share his story with the world. He and his wife Mimi Jensen live in San Francisco, but George makes frequent trips to Seattle to visit his children and grandchildren. George is a member of the Holocaust Center's Speakers Bureau.


  • More About This Survivor:

    Transcripts for Video Clips — George Elbaum

    Full Testimony - George Elbaum (2018, 3:20:46)

    Sharing a Story  - From the Forum for Dialogue, Poland (3:46)

    Neither Yesterdays Nor Tomorrows - Memoir by George Elbaum

    Traducción al Español

In 2009, upon viewing "Paper Clips," George was moved to share his story with the world.