Holocaust Center for Humanity

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FAQs about hosting a member of the Speakers Bureau

Who are the speakers?

Our Speakers Bureau includes Holocaust survivors, survivors of other genocides, and Legacy Speakers. Legacy Speakers are children and grandchildren of survivors, liberators, and rescuers (Righteous Among the Nations). Learn more about our speakers at the “Meet the Speakers” web page.  Please note that we cannot guarantee specific speakers, but if you believe any individual(s) will fit with your group's studies or background, please list their names in the respective field in our request form.

What does a Speakers Bureau presentation consist of?

Speakers share their memories, or those of their family members, of the Holocaust (or for several speakers, the Rwandan genocide) with students. These stories may include experiences of discrimination, segregation, separation from and loss of family, life in hiding, ghettos, concentration camps, liberation, and immigration. Although many speakers are well informed about some aspects of the Holocaust outside of their own experiences or those of their family, speakers are not necessarily historians. Their presentations are offered as personalaccounts and are accompanied by PowerPoints with primary sources, photos, maps, and video clips.

Why should I book a speaker?

Outcomes for learners are overwhelmingly positive and meaningful. Thanks to surveys from the 2022-2023 school year, we know that 90% of student respondents agreed that hearing a speaker helped them better understand the Holocaust’s impact on individuals. 91% of students felt it was important to learn about the experiences of Holocaust survivors who came to Seattle.
Meanwhile, 100% of teacher respondents said the presentation met their expectations, and 100% also said the speaker was effective in presenting their story in a clear and informative way.

How long is a presentation?

Speaker presentations in-person and on Zoom are between 40 and 60 minutes. We recommend at least 10-15 additional minutes for Q&A with the speaker, which is facilitated by a Holocaust Center volunteer or staff member.

When can a speaker be booked?

Speakers can usually be booked to start their presentation anytime from 9 AM to 3 PM on weekdays, except major federal and major Jewish holidays. Weekdays and evenings may be possible, speaker and staff schedules depending. Contact the Holocaust Center if you have specific questions.

Who are the presentations suitable for?

Groups of 20 or more and students in Grade 5 and above, as well as adult groups.  The Holocaust Center for Humanity is located in Seattle, WA and priority is given to schools and groups in Washington State and the greater Pacific Northwest.  If you are outside this area, we encourage you to check with your local Holocaust museum.

What is the fee?

Virtual speaker presentations: free for schools. $100 fee for businesses, and adult or community groups.

In-person presentations: free for schools, except reimbursement of any travel expenses for the speaker (usually small, for gas mileage).  $100 fee for businesses, and adult or community groups.

For virtual and in-person engagements, an honorarium from any group or school is always welcome; typical honoraria for speakers are anywhere between $25 and $200.

How do I book a speaker?

Please apply to host a speaker by submitting the Request Form. If you have questions or concerns about booking details, please contact Lexi Jason, Education Program Manager, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How do I best prepare students?

The Holocaust Center has many resources for this! Browse our Best Practices, schedule a virtual field trip, attend weekly public Lunch & Learns, and so much more. You will also receive a document on preparing and debriefing students once a speaking engagement is on the calendar for your group.

Can speakers do interviews with students, or one-on-one projects?

On a case-by-case basis, the Center can help arrange for a speaker to meet with one student or a small group, or exchange information via email or phone. Please contact us for more information.

How can students, teachers, or others get more involved with the Holocaust Center?

There are many ways to get involved. Use our other resources, consider joining the Student Leadership Board, Educators for Change, or Board of Directors. Train to become a docent with the Center, or volunteer at events. Spread the word and encourage your peers and colleagues to host a speaker!

Can I become a member of your Speakers Bureau?

The Center is always working with potential speakers to develop and research their stories and presentations. Due to the intensive process, there may be a waitlist to work with Center staff to join the Bureau. Learn more with this informational handout, or contact Laurie Warshal Cohen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Additional Questions?

Email Lexi Jason, Education Program Manager - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The development of Legacy Speakers is made possible with the generous support of Debbie Killinger; the Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc; and the Norcliffe Foundation. Funding for Women's Voices in History was made possible, in part, by a grant from the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.