Holocaust Center for Humanity

This is a critical point in time where teachers like you are essential in combating the growing hatred and intolerance we are witnessing. 


Below are a few favorite and tested resources.  Please let us know what you find useful (and what you don't) - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

1. Watch/Listen -Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi, “The Danger of a Single Story” - This TED talk emphasizes listening to understand. Adichi, “warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.

2. Universe of Obligation (Facing History and Ourselves)

3. Contemporary antisemitism and youth (Facing History and Ourselves)

4. "No Time To Think" (Facing History and Ourselves) - This is a great article that is directed at the issue of bystanders

5. Film about Antisemitism today (USHMM)

6. Swastikas and Other Hate Symbols (ADL) - This may or may not be appropriate for some classes. Please review the lesson carefully.

7. Testimonies from local Holocaust survivors (Holocaust Center for Humanity)

8. Antisemitic Incidents: Being an Ally, Advocate and Activist (ADL) - Lesson for grades 7-12, 45 minutes

9. Some Were Neighbors (USHMM) - A powerful and thought-provoking online exhibition. Lots to explore including testimonies, images, and more.