Holocaust Center for Humanity

Karen Treiger 720x720Karen Treiger shares the survival story of her mother- and father-in-law, Esther and Sam Goldberg. Karen knew that they had amazing stories of survival, but she wanted to fully understand their struggles and experiences and began to research their stories.

Esther and Sam both grew up in Poland prior to the outbreak of World War II. Sam was drafted into the Soviet Army and imprisoned in a German POW Camp. He escaped, but was eventually deported to the Nazi death camp Treblinka. In 1943, Sam escaped from Treblinka and found safety in a nearby forest, where he met Esther. Esther had already established a hiding place there after fleeing Stozeck, Poland.

Esther and Sam survived in hiding with the help of the non-Jewish Stys families. After the birth of their first child and several years in displaced persons camps, the Goldbergs came to the United States in 1949.

In 2016, Karen and her family traveled to Poland to meet the children of the Stys families, and thank them for their courage in saving the Goldbergs’ lives. This incredible connection has continued to inspire Karen to tell her family’s story, and now to share it with students and other groups as a Legacy Speaker for the Holocaust Center’s Speakers Bureau.

Karen Treiger's award-winning book, My Soul is Filled with Joy:  A Holocaust Story, details the story of the Goldbergs and her own journey in uncovering this history. She is a lawyer and has four adult children with her husband – Sam and Esther’s son – and resides in Seattle.