Holocaust Center for Humanity

The Survivor Encyclopedia project features survivors and eye-witnesses who live or have live d in Washington State. These survivors, with their history and stories, have shaped our community, contributing to its richness and diversity. They challenge us to understand history through personal narrative - to see complex human beings behind the facts. Their stories inspire us to recognize human fragility and resilience and the difference that each one of us can make.

The Survivor Encyclopedia is an ongoing project. New entries are continually being added.



We want your feedback - please tell us what you like and what suggestions you have.

For questions or more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Director of Education.

Stories of Rescue and Resistance are supported by a generous gift from Gene and Mindy Printz-Kopelson.  

This project was supported, in part, by 4Culture/King County Lodging Tax and The State of Washington.